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News (40)

Invitation for tenders in GE.M.S project (Del 2.1.5, 3.1.1)

The University of Western Macedonia published an Invitation for tenders ...

Call for expressions of interest for the employment of two external partners in SOLVE project

The University of Western Macedonia published a Call for expressions of interest   ...

Invitation for expression of interest in GE.M.S project (D2.1.3)

The University of Western Macedonia - Special Account for Research Funds has published an Invitation for expression of interest (Del. ...

Call for expression of interest for 4 staff positions in GE.M.S project

The University of Western Macedonia - Special Account for Research Funds published a Call for expression of interest ...

Press release about the purchase of electric vehicles in BeCircular project

The Waste Management of Western Macedonia DIADYMA S.A. issued a press relase. Electric vehicles ...

Call for expression of interest for an external expert (Del. 1.2.4 & 5.2.4) in SOLVE project

The University of Western Macedonia - Special Account for Research Funds published a Call for expression of interest for an ...

Call for tenders for the creation of promotional material, video, website etc. (Del. 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.2.4, 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.2.5) in SOLVE project

The University of Western Macedonia - Special Account for Research Funds published a Call for tenders for the  creation of ...

Call for tenders for the supply of equipment (Del. 5.1.1 & 5.2.2) in GE.M.S project

The University of Western Macedonia - Special Account for Research Funds published an open Call for tenders for the supply ...

The Programme for the period 2021-2027 is approved!

With the  Commission Implementing Decision C(2022) 8646/ 23.11.2022, the (Interreg VI-A) IPA CBC Greece-North Macedonia for the period 2021-2027 has ...

Calls for expression of interest for external experts in SOLVE project

The University of Western Macedonia has published several Calls for expression of interests for external experts; Αρ. Πρόσκλησης 173/2022: Αρ. Πρόσκλησης 174/2022: Αρ. ...

Supply of 3 electic vehicles in BeCircular project (Del. 4.1.2)

The Waste Management of Western Macedonia DIADYMA S.A. announced a Call for tenders for the supply of three electric vehicles ...

Contract award announcements in BeCircular project (Del. 1.2.4, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.2.4, 4.2.4)

By the Cluster of Bioeconomy & Environment of Western Macedonia (CluBE) ...

Call for expression of interest (3 staff positions) in BeCircular project

The Cluster of Bioeconomy & Environment of Western Macedonia (CluBE) announced three staff positions. Read more here ...

Call for expression of interest in TRAP project (Del. 1.1.4)

The Environmental Centre of Western Macedonia has published a Call for Expression of Interest.   ...

Invitation for expessions of interest for 3 experts in Combine2Protect project

The Region of Western Macedonia announces three employment contracts in the framework of the project. Find more information here ...

Call for expressions of interest (staff) in COMBINE2PROTECT project

The Region of Western Macedonia has published a Call for Expressions of interest (staff). The relevant Call is published here ...

Announcement for contract award in aGROWchain project

The Cluster of Bioeconomy & Environment of Western Macedonia directly awarded a contract ...

Call for tenders in TRAP project (Supply of a station)

The Environmental Centre of Western Macedonia has published a Call for tenders for a supply of air quality monitoring station. ...

Call for tenders in J-CROSS project (Del. 4.1.4 & 5.1.3)

Region of Western Macedonia has published a Call for tenders for Del. 4.1.4 and Del. 5.1.3 ...

Call for tenders in SYMBIOSIS project (Del. 3.2.4)

The Waste Management of Western Macedonia DIADYMA S.A. has published a Call for tenders ...

Call for tenders in LESS-WASTE II project (Del. 5.1.1)

The Waste Management of Western Macedonia DIADYMA S.A. has published a Call for tenders ...

Call for expressions of interest in SYMBIOSIS project

The Waste Management of Western Macedonia DIADYMA SA has published a Call for expressions of interest in SYMBIOSIS project. ...

Direct award announcement for BENEFIT project

The  Cluster of Bioeconomy and Environment of Western Macedonia(CLuBE) has published a direct award announcement for the creation of website and ...

Announcement of intention to award a service contract in BENEFIT project

The Cluster of Bioeconomy and Environment of Western Macedonia (CLuBE) intents to award a service contract ...

Contract award for BENEFIT project

The Cluster of Bioeconomy and Environment of Western Macedonia (CLuBE) awarded a contract for publicity services   ...

Notice of intent to Award in BENEFIT project

The Cluster of Bioeconomy & Environment of Western Macedonia announced the intention to award a contract (workshop organization, project identity ...

Call for expressions of interest in aGROWchain project

The Cluster of Bioeconomy and Environment of Western Macedonia (CLuBE) has announced a Call for expressions of interest ...

Call for expressionS of interest in Green Inter-e-Mobility project

University of Western Macedonia - Special Account for Research Funds has published a Call for expressions of interest ...

Call for tenders in J-CROSS project (Sakouleva riverbed settlement works)

The Region of Western Macedonia has published a Call for tenders; ...

Call for tenders in J-CROSS project (Del. 4.1.1, 6.1.1)

The Region of Western Macedonia has published a Call for Tenders for Deliverables 4.1.1 and 6.1.1 Summary Call for Tenders ...

Call for tenders in COMBINE2PROTECT project (Del. 4.4.2)

The Region of Western Macedonia has published a Call for tenders for Del. 4.4.2 Summary  Call for tenders ...

Call for tenders in TRAP project

Call for tenders by the Environmental Centre of Western Macedonia ...

Call for expression of interest in TRAP project (republication)

By the Envrionmental Centre of Western Macedonia ...

Purchase announcement for SYMBIOSIS project

Announcement by the Waste Management of Western Macedonia DIADYMA S.A. ...

Call for tenders in SYMBIOSIS project

Call for tenders by the Waste Management of Western Macedonia S.A. ...

Call for expression of interest in TRAP project

Call for expression of interest by the Environmental Centre of Western Macedonia ...

Announcement for aGROWchain project

Call for expression of interest by the Cluster of Bioenergy and Environment of Western Macedonia (CLuBE)  ...

Announcement for LESS WASTE II project

Tender announcement by the Waste Management of Western Macedonia S.A. ...

Announcements for SYMBIOSIS project

Tender announcements by the Waste Management of Western Macedonia S.A. ...

Call for expressions of interest in EMPLOYOUTH project

Call 28/2018 by the University of Western Macedonia ...

Events (12)

Tabletop & Fullscale Exercises in SOLVE project

The Decentralized Administration of Epirus & Western Macedonia  binvites you on Thursday 7 December 2023 at 9:00 a.m. at the ...

Final conference in BeCircular project

The Cluster of Bioeconomy of Western Macedonia (CluBE) organises a 2-day final conference in Florina and Bitola for BeCircular project. The ...

Workshop meeting on civil protection in SOLVE project

The Decentralized Administration of Epirus-Western Macedonia and the Civil Protection Institute of the University of Western Macedonia, within the framework ...

Info day on Circular Bioeconomy and Entrepreneurship for students in BeCircular project

The Cluster of Bioeconomy and Environment of Western Macedonia (CluBE), within the framework of the implementation of the BeCircular project ...

Workshop in circular bioeconomy in BeCircular project

The Cluster of Bioeconomy and Environment of Western Macedonia (CluBE) together with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EBE) of ...

e-Kick-off meeting in GE.M.S. project

The University of Western Macedonia will organise online the kick-off meeting of GE.M.S project on 04/10/2022 (Tuesday), between 12:00 and ...

2nd project meeting in SOLVE project

The University of Western Macedonia is organising the 2nd (hybrid) project meeting on October 4, 2022. Invitation Agenda ...

Kick-off meeting in BorPres project

The Region of Western Macedonia invites you to the Kick off Meeting of the BorPres Project; Date: 17th of June, 2022 Time: ...

Final conference in J-CROSS project

The Region of Western Macedonia is organising the final conference in J-CROSS project on June 1, 2021 at 12.00 (Greek ...

Training event in J-CROSS project (Del.6.1.3)

Region of Western Macedonia organises a training event on March 4, 2020 in Florina (Del. 6.1.3). Invitation Agenda ...

Cross border event in J-CROSS project (Del.2.4.1)

Region of Western Macedonia organises a cross-border event on March 4, 2020 in Florina (Del. 2.4.1). Invitation Agenda ...

Kick off meeting of Green Inter-e-Mobility project

The University of Western Macedonia is organizing the kick off meeting of the project on Dec.20, 2019 in Kozani. Agenda ...

Approved Projects (3)

Adventure across the border

The main objective of the project is to promote the crossborder (CB) destination as a touristic attraction by framing the ...

Joint Cross Border Cooperation for Securing Societies Against Natural and Man Made Disasters

Due to differences in culture, legislation, and socio-economic environment, cross border cooperation is a tough challenge. Past cross border disasters ...

Symbiotic Networks of Bio-Waste Sustainable Management

Industrial Symbiosis (IS) is an innovative approach that brings together companies from all business sectors with the aim of improving ...

Project Beneficiaries (9)

ANKO Western Macedonia S.A. Organisation for Local Development

ANKO established in 1985 and have as stakeholders, the Regional Authority, the Regional Development Fund and the Union of Municipalities ...

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Special Account for Research Funds - Department of Civil Engineering

The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Special Account for Research Funds is located in the Region of Central Macedonia and ...

Cluster of Bioeconomy & Environment of Western Macedonia (CluBE)

                            The Cluster of Bioeconomy & Environment of ...

Environmental Centre of Western Macedonia

ENVIRONMENTAL CENTRE (KE.ΠΕ) was established by the 151/1997 Prefecture Council decision of Kozani Prefecture (FEK B’ 179/25-2-1998), and it came ...

Municipality of Amynteo

The Municipality of Amyntaio belongs to the Region of Western Macedonia. Its area amounts to 589 km2 with a population ...

Region of Western Macedonia

The Region of Western Macedonia is one of the 13 Regions of Greece, it was installed with the Law 3852/2010, ...

University of Western Macedonia - Special Account for Research Funds

The University of Western Macedonia (UOWM) is a multi-campus university in Northwestern GREECE, in the REGION OF WESTERN MACEDONIA. It ...

Waste Management of Western Macedonia DIADYMA S.A.

DIADYMA S.A. was founded in 1998 by the municipalities of Western Macedonia to serve the needs for Waste Management in ...

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