
The Programme

People living in 5 border regions in Greece and 4 regions in the Republic of North Macedonia are benefiting from ...

Priority Axes

The Programme is built upon the following three Priority Axes (P.A) and seven specific objectives (S.O); Priority Axis 1: Development and Support ...

News (16)

Training course on wine tourism in wine-up project

The Municipality of Pella announces an open call for a 5-day training course for the unemployed on wine tourism.   Two experts ...

Open call for External expertise and services in IDEAS project

Rural Development Network of North Macedonia, for the purpose of the project IDEAS -  has an open call for submission of ...

Participation of ALTER TRIP project in the tourism fair B-TRAVEL

The ALTER TRIP project participates in the tourism fair B-TRAVEL, which will take place from March 24 to 26 in ...

Series of training seminars for tourism professionals in ABOVE project

The Greek-Italian Chamber of Thessaloniki is organising a series of seminars for tourism professionals. The seminars will be conducted during ...

The Programme is looking for an IVY volunteer!

The volunteer will support the Interreg Programme "Greece - Republic of North Macedonia" which aims to improve living standards and employment ...

Tender announcement (provision of services) in NETOURAL project

Association Tourist Union – Strumica is launching a tender notice for provision of “Provision of services for development of public ...

Tender notice for “Provision of tourism subject matter expert services” in NETOURAL project

The Association Tourist Union Strumica - Strumica has launched a tender  notice for provision of “Provision of tourism subject matter ...

Call for tenders in COuNT project

Municipality of Veles is launching a tender procedure for Construction of  the right side of riverbank of Vardar River in ...

Facebook page created for EuroP@St & future project

The project entitled “Europos - Palatiano - Stobi - European past and future cultural values”, with the acronym “EuroP@St & ...

Call for tenders in wine-up project (Del. 4.2.1)

Municipality og Negotino announced a Call for tenders for Del. 4.2.1 "Del. 4.2.1 “Training workshops for employment in the tourism ...

Call for tenders for external expert for Preparation of studies in ALTER TRIP project

The Association of Persons with Physical Disabilities of Bitola, Demir Hisar, and Resen - MOBILNOST Bitola published a call for ...

Announcement of the intention to award training services for ToCulter project

Life Long Learning Level 2 Center of Region of Central Macedonia, Regional Unit of Serres intents to award training services ...

Training programme "Business & Tourism Management" in ToCulter project

Life Long Learning Level 2 Center of Region of Central Macedonia, Regional Unit of Serres is organising a training programme ...

Publication of tender in I-TOUR project (Del. 3.1.1. Developing adventure tourism products)

The Center for Development of Pelagonija planning region invites all interested to submit offers for Developing adventure tourism products for the project ...

Announcement - Call for tenders for ToCULTER project

Re-announcement - Call for tenders ...

Call for expression of interest in the framework of ToCULTER project

The Life Long Learning Level 2 Center of Region of Central Macedonia), in the framework of the implementation of the ...

Events (13)

Final event in advenTOUR project

The Greek National Tourism Organisation, the Y.M.C.A.Thessaloniki and Pelister National Park are honoured to invite you to the Closing Event ...

Capitalization event in ABOVE project

Thessaloniki Tourism Organisation invites you to an event of ABOVE project entitled “Capitalization Event of all S.O.1.3. Priority projects funded ...

Promotional Info day in ALTER TRIP project

The Ministry of Interior (Sector Macedonia and Thrace) is delighted to invite you to the Infoday event organized as part ...

Stakeholder consultation workshop (Resen) in BorPres project

The BorPres project team invites you to participate in the consultation workshop, which will take place on Tuesday 30 May ...

Stakeholder consultation workshop in BorPres project

The Ministry of Interior (Sector Macedonia and Thrace) invites you to participate in the consultation workshop, which will take place ...

Training for Capacity Building and Motivation for tourism stakeholder in ALTER TRIP project

The Business & Exhibition Researches and Development Institute, Lead Beneficiary of ALTERTRIP project, kindly invites you to the “Training for ...

Kick off meeting in ALTER TRIP project

The kick-off meeting of the project ALTER TRIP: Alternative Touristic Experience took place on Tuesday 12th October 2021, in Thessaloniki. ...

Educational seminars in CONNECT project (Feb. 16-18, 2021)

The Olympic Museum invites you to the Educational Seminars it organizes online, on Wednesday 17, Thursday 18 and Friday 19 ...

Info Day in TERRA-VINO project

The Greek-Italian Chamber of Commerce in Thessaloniki invites you to an Info Day focusing on the interconnection of agrifood sector ...

Final online conference of ToCulter project (online)

The Regional Development Fund of Central Macedonia kindly invites you on Thursday 5th of November 2020, 10.00 am, at the ...

3rd oenotourism event in TERRA-VINO project

The Ministry of Interior (Sector Macedonia and Thrace), invites you to the 3rd oenotourism event of TERRA VINO project. The event ...

Oenotourism event in TERRA VINO project

The Ministry of Interior (sector Macedonia - Thrace) is organising the first event of oenotourism entitled "Viva Vino Thessaloniki" on ...

Capacity Building for Tourism Sector Workshop in I-TOUR project

The Center for Development of Pelagonija planning region is organising a Capacity Building for Tourism Sector workshop on July 1-3, ...

Calls for Project Proposals (2)

2nd Call for Project Proposals (Targeted & Restricted)

Submission period 10.12.2019 - 10.03.2020 Extended until 10.04.2020 (1st extension) Extended until 29.05.2020 (2nd extension)   Priority Axes and Specific Objectives   Priority Axis 1: Development and ...

1st Call for Project Proposals

Submission period 07.12.2015 - 31.03.2016 Extension:  22/04/2016, until 16.00 (official announcement) Priority Axes and Specific Objectives   Priority Axis 1: Development and Support of Local ...

Approved Projects (15)


“ABOVE” is a project that will film-from-above the whole eligible area using drones technology. The drones will cover areas not covered ...

Adventure across the border

The main objective of the project is to promote the crossborder (CB) destination as a touristic attraction by framing the ...

Alternative Touristic Experience

The main goal of the project is to dynamize the transformation of a territory into an accessible and inclusive tourist ...

Bike Cities Network for bikes ,e-bikes, etc.

The project implementation areas are still considered in an 'emerging' or development stage although they have competitive advantages but not ...

Creative Opportunities in Tourism

The project’s main output is the support of 12 new businesses creating thusly at least 12 new job positions and ...

Enhancing the cross border wine experience for local development

The main objective of the project is tο enhance the experience of wine in Pella and Negotino in order to ...

Europos - Palatiano - Stobi - European past and future cultural values

In line with the Specific Objective 1.3 of the Call for Proposals, the project’s Overall objective is to “Contribute at ...

Greece and Republic of North Macedonia border infrastructure development

The project “ We cross borders” aims to promote the improvement of the policy instruments for crossborder cooperation processes in the ...

Increasing Tourism Opportunities through Utilization of Resources

I-TOUR addresses joint cross border tourism challenges such as non existing competitive cross-border tourism product, poor level of sustainable natural ...

Museums Connecting Cultures Connecting People

The CONNECT project enables museums of the cross-border area to network around a triangle of 3 museums (Alphabet museum of ...

Oenotouristic cross-border capacity building: A transition from promoting wine production to oenotourism experience

As high levels of unemployment rate and the continuous economic recession have afflicted the entire productive workforce of the cross-border ...

Promote tourism and Culture through the water

The project “ToCulter” has as overall objective to create a common tourist identity based on water trails, specialized according to ...

Protection of Autochthonous populations of Pelagonia SHEep breed in the cross-border area

The objective of the project is to save, protect and valorize existing populations of the Pelagonia sheep breed in the ...

Project Beneficiaries (23)

Centre for development of the South-East planning region

The Centre for development of the South-East planning region as one of the eight Centres for regional development in our ...

Centre for Rural Development SEE

Centre for Rural Development – SEE is an organization that deals with issues related to rural development. The organization is ...

Culture and Development Public Benefit Corporation of the Municipality of Pella

The Municipal Public Non-Benefit Corporation of Culture and Development of Pella was constituted in 1996. A 10-member Board and its ...

Foundation for Sustainable Economic Development Preda Plus

Having its roots and experience in private sector development, Pelagonia-PREDA was recognized as a stabile partner of its funders, the ...

Life Long Learning Level 2 Center of Region of Central Macedonia, Regional Unit of Serres

The shareholders of Life Long Learning Level 2 Center of Region of Central Macedonia, Regional Unit of Serres are the ...

Ministry of Interior (sector Macedonia and Thrace)

The Ministry of Interior (Sector Macedonia and Thrace) represents the governmental policy in Northern Greece. The Ministry's task is the ...

Municipal Enterprise of Edessa

The Municipal Enterprise of Edessa was founded in 1985 and during the first years it was exclusively concerned with the ...

Municipality of Amynteo

The Municipality of Amyntaio belongs to the Region of Western Macedonia. Its area amounts to 589 km2 with a population ...

Municipality of Bitola

The Municipality of Bitola is the biggest local authority in the cross-border area of the former Yugoslavic Republic of Macedonia. ...

Municipality of Edessa

Edessa is a city in northern Greece and the capital of the Pella regional unit, in the Central Macedonia region of Greece. It was also the ...

Municipality of Lagadas

Municipality of Lagadas is located at the North-East part of the Regional Unit of Thessaloniki, just 18 km from city ...

Municipality of Novaci

Novaci is a municipality in the southern part of the country. Novaci is also the name of the village where ...

Municipality of Novo Selo

The Municipality of Novo Selo belongs to the South-East planning region and occupies the most south-eastern part of the country, ...

Municipality of Pella

The Municipality of Pella covers an area of 668 km2 in the northern part of the Prefecture of Central Macedonia ...

Municipality of Resen

The Municipality of Resen is located in the Prespa Basin, in the southwestern most part of the country, covering an ...

Region of Western Macedonia

The Region of Western Macedonia is one of the 13 Regions of Greece, it was installed with the Law 3852/2010, ...

University of St. Kliment Ohridiski -Faculty for tourism and hospitality Ohrid

The Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Ohrid watches closely the changes in the area of tourism and service activities for ...

University St. Kliment Ohridski, Higher Medical School – Bitola

“St Kliment Ohridski” University – Bitola is the second oldest state University in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and the ...

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