
Management Information System (MIS)

Documents necessary for obtaining MIS Body Codes and user credentials and uploading the approved projects on the MIS   MIS Body Code (Information ...

News (4)

Electronic submission of Progress Reports in MIS & New Manuals

The screens for inserting the data for the Progress Report in the MIS are ready. We are attaching to this ...

Updated version of the Progress Report

Please be informed that a new version of the Progress Report is available under Documents for Project Implementation. The update is ...

Submit your 1st Progress Report!

According to the Project Implementation Manual in force, the Lead Beneficiary will submit a progress report to the JS every ...

Information on how to obtain an MIS user account login

The Lead Beneficiary is the one that will enter the data of a proposed proposal to any given open Call ...

Events (11)

3rd progress meeting in SOLVE project

The Center for development of Pelagonija planning region has the pleasure to invite you to the 3rd Progress meeting of ...

2nd progress meeting in BeCircular project

The Association for Research & Analysis ZMAI is organising the 2nd progress meeting of the project on Feb.23, 2023 in ...

2nd progress meeting in wine-up project

Within the framework of the INTERREG IPA Cross Border Cooperation Programme “Greece – Republic of North Macedonia 2014-2020” and the ...

2nd project meeting in Be In project

The Centre for development of the South-East planning region is organizing the 2nd project meeting in the frame of the ...

2nd progress meeting for Conse-pp project

The Municipality of Debrca organises the 2nd progress meeting of the project Conse-pp on March 5-6, 2020 in Ohrid. Invitation Agenda ...

3rd progress meeting in ENPOL-EE project

Municipality of Negotino organises the 3rd progress meeting on November 13 and 14 in Negotino. Invitation Agenda ...

2nd progress meeting for ENPOL-EE project

The 2nd progress meeting for  ENPOLE-EE project is organized at Municipality of Negotino on February 14-15, 2019 at 11.00 Invitation & Agenda ...

Seminar on the Management Information System (MIS)

We would like to inform you that a seminar on the Management Information System (MIS) addressed to all beneficiaries (including the ...

2nd progress meeting of I-TOUR project

The 2nd progress meeting of I-TOUR project is organized on Nov.19, 2018 in Bitola Agenda ...

Seminar on the Management Information System (MIS)

We would like to inform you that a seminar on the Management Information System (MIS) addressed to all beneficiaries (including ...

Approved Projects (4)

COntinuity of care in MEtabolic diseases through modern TECHhnology

COMETECH aims to be an innovative mean for introducing Continuity of Care aiming to: a) Support a collaboration between research ...

Creating employment opportunities of young graduates in the CB area

The main objective of the project is to implement an integrated package of deliverables that will have as final result ...

Cross Border Complex Floods And Forest Fires Prevention And Management

Recent disasters around the globe strongly indicate that most challenging territories for managing floods and forest fires are the cross ...

Modern Tools for wildfires’ and Floods’ Risk punctual forecast and monitoring and innovative techniques for citizens’ safeguard awareness and preparedness

PREVEN-T main objective and sub objectives are directly linked with project foreseen outputs which are: i. Modeling Information System for monitoring ...

Project Beneficiaries (4)

Alexander Innovation Zone S.A.

Alexander Innovation Zone (AIZ) is the managing body that has undertaken to organize and promote the Thessaloniki Innovation Zone. (Design, ...

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serres

The Serres Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a local organization of businesses and companies in Serres with the intention ...

Municipality of Negotino

Municipality of Negotino covers an area of 414 km2 in the middle of the Povardarie area and in the central part of the ...

University "Goce Delcev"

Goce Delchev University in Shtip is the unique high education institution in the eastern part of the Republic of North ...

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