
Programme management

Managing Authority Interreg 2021-2027 65, Georgikis Scholis Av. Zeda Building, Entrance 2, 2nd floor 57001 Thessaloniki, Greece Tel: +30 2310 469600  Web:      email: Joint ...

Monitoring/Steering Committees

Monitoring Committee meetings 1st MC meeting on Nov. 18, 2015 in Veles 2nd MC meeting on Dec. 16, 2016 in Thessaloniki 3rd MC ...

News (4)

Open call for scientific and technical assistance for evaluation and impact assessment in IDEAS project

Rural Development Network of North Macedonia, for the purpose of the project IDEAS, has an open call for submission of applications ...

6th e-newsletter of the Ministry of Local Self- Government (special issue about Technical Assistance)

The National Authority (Ministry of Local Self- Government) issued the 6th Programme e-newsletter. Please read it here ...

Call for tender for the Update of the 1st Programme Implementation Evaluation and Impact Assessment

Call for tender via the Registry of suppliers for the Update of the 1st Programme Implementation Evaluation and Impact Assessment Call ...

FAQs: Call for tenders for developing Info Module

Regarding the call for tender for  DEVELOPING INFORMATION MODULE (SYSTEM) for the Ministry of Local Self Government, Technical Assistance for ...

Events (1)

1st Joint Monitoring Committee meeting 2014-2020

The 1st meeting of the Joint Monitoring Committee of the Interreg IPA CBC Programme “Greece – the former Yugoslav Republic ...

Project Beneficiaries (2)

Center for Development of Pelagonia Region

Center for Development of the Pelagonija planning region (CRPPR) is a legal entity,  established by the units of local self-government ...

Centre for development of the South-East planning region

The Centre for development of the South-East planning region as one of the eight Centres for regional development in our ...

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